Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Spiritual Incense Womencircle - the Wisdom of Sacred Herbs & Plants

Energy Subconscious Work for Women

What are Sacred Plants?

Sacred plants (I call them Soulflowers) are spices in the kitchen, herbals & Plants that grow in your Garden, that are sold as tea, or that you find on walks. Many sacred plants are discarded as weeds in the trash. And we don't know that they are Diamonds. We walk by them or step on them so often. Did you know that herbs and plants influence your emotions, your subconscious & release blockages?

Did you know that herbals & plants:

I am Katja Barnasiow Pereira

As a Herbalist, Modern Shamanic & Medium. My Mission is, to bring the Secrets of the past, the Matriarchat back in our knowledge and Heart.

Since 11 Years (2012) I am on my Spiritual Mission. In 2013 I start to work with Telepathical Animal Communication and I started giving workshops, trained and teach students. More here …
 In 2014 I publish my first spiritual Book and short after I write my second, what will be translated in EN and PT in the next Time. My mother taught me to work with plants in my garden and through that, she restored a forgotten connection in me. It was magical. A short time later I received recipes with medicinal plants for body, mind & soul in dreams and inspirations. I made an education as a herbalist, in one of the largest herbal plant schools in Germany.
2018 it Starts to be my official Work. I gave workshops & courses at Lake Constance in Germany (where I lived) and work a lot online internationally. I also work with clients in Switzerland & Austria. A few years ago I emigrated to Portugal and married the man of my dreams. Now it’s time for me to start my mission in Portugal, in presence and in English (and later in Portuguese when my Portuguese is enough). I am so so happy to Start. More here …..
With all the Years of my Experience to work with Women „What’s your Magic & the Secret“ was born. My new Method & Formula of a unique Transformation Tool. More here …

Effects & symptoms of sacred plants


You know that Rosemary (alecrim) helps you to be very focused and keep concentration? But if you take it in the evening, it can keep you awake and you can’t sleep. Pregnant women should take it little or not at all.

Used spiritually, it strengthens your intuition. It connects us with angel Metatron. In winter it makes your feet warm and it helps with muscle tension.

It has anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antibacterial effects. It helps to stimulate and strengthen the psyche ….

and so much more …..


Did you know that the rose increases your heart energy, raises selflove and helps mothers to reconnect with themselves? The rose helps with infectious diseases and is very connected to the great goddess.

This wonderful healing plant helps us to forgive (ourselves), to trust and to heal our ancestral lineage. You can make wonderful syrup with it.

If you don’t like rose scent, then it is very interesting & important for you

Ancestralhealing & Epigentic Energymedicine

The Power of a Woman is her Love, the Wisdom deep in herself (needs the Key), Intuition, Reconnection to her Soul and Body and her clear Heart Energy. Ancestralhealing and epigenetic Energymedicine is also a part of the Womencircle. It’s a deep healing work. When our energy increases and our resonance field changes, magic and miracles happen.

In our Digital and Modern World, we lose this important Feeling and the Connection to the Nature, the Moon and the Circles. Everything is so busy and a Woman have to do so many things in the same Time. We always need time to recharge.

I am a Workaholic, because I love my Work so much, what I do and I always have to take care of the balance. I learn how to deal with it, to stay in all this Magic Connections of the earth.

„It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye“
– Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Spiritual Incense Womencircle

Womencircle with wonderful Women in Cape Verde

Clients Love

Birgt Müller

During our session, the cause was quickly clear to you. Thanks to great tips, which I also implemented consistently, I felt better very quickly. What a wonderful feeling after almost 9 months, finally. Your work is simply brilliant, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Maguy Aspe

I am working a lot on myself right now but what you, dear Katja, make possible through your abilities is far beyond the expectations I would ever have had. With your loving and authentic way you are a special companion on my way. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for your work with and for women!

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Holy Secrets & Magical Healing​


This is a Special Event with the Secrets about Plants, Healing, Resources, Nature, Moon in Connection to us Women, from the Wise and Holy Women from our Past. We make Energy Work to release blockades. I don't want to give you too much information, it's magic. Let yourself be surprised ...

Topic of incense:


30 of April


  • Time: 19:00 pm
  • Duration: 2 Hours 
  • Persons: Max. 7 Persons


  • 15 €

Date -Location

  • 25 of April 2024 – Sesimbra – Calm Studio 
  • Av. Padre António Pereira de Almeida 9
  • Location

9 of May


  • Time: 19:30 pm
  • Duration: 2 Hours 
  • Persons: Max. 7 Persons


  • 15 €

Date -Location

  • 7 of May 2024 – Sesimbra – Calm Studio 
  • Av. Padre António Pereira de Almeida 9
  • Location



  • Time: 20:00
  • Duration: 2 Hours 
  • Persons: Max. 5 Persons


  • 15 €

Datum -Location

  • 14 of September 2023 – Fernao Ferro – Seixal 
  • Location

Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Medicine Woman & Author, Mentor for spiritual Women




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