Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Method & Formula

Medicine Woman

I am Katja Barnasiow Pereira from Portugal and Founder of „What’s your Magic & the Secret“
I am so happy that you are her. 

About Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Already as a small child, I had a special connection to Mother Earth, the universe and animals. One day I understood that I am the channel, translator and speaker of the invisible and have made my purpose to my vocation.

This path began with animal communication. I create my own method and trained certified students. I read the Soulplan, energy fields & the Akasha chronicles for my clients. My rebirth of the shaman & witch in me, brought me the key of a deep, unique & magical transformation & healing work for women. Healing plants became one of my most important tools as an herbalist.

„Magic is all around you“

What does "WYM" do in you?

„What’s your Magic & the Secret“ has evolved from 11 years of intensive learned Inner Work on myself & my clients with many known techniques. My method & formula is composed from the quintessence of this and works on all levels (energy field, DNA & cells, mindset, subconscious, superconscious, chakras, implants, imprints, etc.).

This formula guides high sensitive, spiritual women to know Who they really are, find their purpose & live fulfilled. It gives them the sense to live their important mission here on this planet, to realize themselves in their unique energy of their calling and that can be anything.

What is the "What's your Magic & Secret" Method - Formula?

I learned the modern shamanic healing work in training with Lara Marie Obermaier, who was in the past the leading teacher of Alberto Villoldo from the USA. This medicine created miracles for me and I was so fascinated by what all the common methods (e.g. constellation work, ancestral healing, chakra work, mindset, energyfield work, soulplan reading, Akashic chronicle reading, healing plants, telepathy, etc.) were doing to me as a woman that I really became addicted to personal development.

I didn’t have to learn most of the things, they were already there and I just had to recall them. It all happened very quickly and in those 11 years of intense Inner Work, all the tools evolved into my method & formula „What’s your Magic & the Secret“.

The effect: You are energetically already where you want to be

During my sessions with clients, information, keys & accesses came to me, which had a very fast inner transformation on the subconscious & emotional level. It also became apparent, the secondary effect that at the same time traumas & blockages on the interpersonal & family level cleared to the positive. These reached back over centuries of generations. Resources were unlocked. The environment & external circumstances changed as if by magic & miracles happened.


„The mother of an 8-year-old son who had overcome her abuse trauma had the side effect of her son no longer urinating in bed.“
„A client who wanted to find her positioning as an entrepreneur got her clear picture and label for it in one session“
„Some participants who took part in my project for a new program found their soul mate in this and at the same time“
„A client who had financial blocks met a company after a session who wanted to work with her and her presence increased so that she got many client orders“

This method is the solution for spiritual women, which leads to find their purpose and live fulfilled. With everything that goes with it.

My Dog - the Special Author & Healer

Peanut was an Angel & Healer and she still is, only from another peaceful place. She show me sacred tools for my energy work, take me to other planets and initiated me into ancient secret scriptures

A few days, before she went into the light. She lives in every of my books, because she has written a chapter.

After fulfilling her mission to lead me to my purpose and writing her chapter – Cleaning the childhood wounds – (in my German Book) „The path to inner wealth, Heal your soul“, she peacefully fell asleep in my arms and was led into the light by the elves and angels.

Peanut was an Angel & Healer and she still is, only from another peaceful place. She show me sacred tools for my energy work, take me to other planets and initiated me into ancient secret scriptures

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

My first two channeled books of 2015 & 2014

My first channeled book, „The Path to Inner Wealth, Heal Your Soul“ was published in 2013. The second book, „The Lightworker Within“ was share with the world in 2014. Both books were in the hands of a publisher for many years. In 2022, the time had come for me to take my books back to myself completely and to bring them into the world with something very special, new. I wanted to decide everything all by myself. This year, my two treasures will be relaunched.

My books will be available in the English & Portuguese language in the future.

These are small pieces of puzzles in my work and 11 Years Experience come together. The new edition is in progress. My books will be available in German, Portuguese and English.


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This method is the solution for spiritual women, which leads to find their purpose and live fulfilled. With everything that goes with it.

My Herbalist Education
Herbal Walk
A great Adventure for the Mother & there Kids
My Course to teach telepathic Animal Communication
My special Magic Soulbook
for my Mentoring clients
Making Tinctures

Here is my Spiritual Store with Magic to Touch

Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Medicine Woman & Author Mentor für spiritual Women