Katja Barnasiow Pereira

First Class Spiritual Coaching & Mentoring

Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Exclusive 4 weeks Program

Epigentics Medicine & Ancestral Healing

Empower your Spiritual path & Foundation of a magical life

You have felt for a long time that there is more for you and your special spiritual path is waiting for you. Homecoming, to find and live your destiny and spiritual mission is your most ardent wish. You want to unlock your abilities and powers and know that your possibilities are unlimited, but at the same time fear of the future, existential fear, self-doubt and negative emotions are blocking you.

To do something meaningful on this planet, to help people, animals and nature calls you again and again, you just don’t know HOW.

At the same time, sometimes it occurs to you that your ancestors have transmitted traumas to you that block you. You feel emotions where you don’t know where they come from and sometimes wonder about your actions that you don’t understand yourself.

You don’t want to live a 08/15 life. You want to feel a foundation, balance, abundance and harmony in all aspects of your life

The Obstacle:

⋙ Ancestral traumas, self-doubt, fear of the future, which are hidden in your epigenetic, your body system, your cells, block you and keep you in a low frequency, which makes you turn in circles again and again. You move forward sluggishly, your head is too loud, you don’t perceive your intuition properly.

The Liberation:

⋙ By releasing all those primal traumas, negative emotions & experiences in your epigenetics that block you, a great liberation takes place within you. You feel and live your destiny. You have irrepressible power, joy, emotional closeness, love, intuitive living in flow which gives you belly tingles and the feeling of homecoming.

The Result:

⋙ Your self-love, self-confidence and courage are growing more and more. You attract abundance on all levels and are a magnet for your manifestations.

⋙ You desire abundance, harmony and balance in all areas of your life and attract abundance through healing.

Online Coaching

Duration: 4 Weeks
Price: 5.500 Euro (6.200 $)

The 4 weeks coaching is only possible after a cooperation of one 90 min single session

  • Session: 1 session a week 90 min
  • Calls: 1 call a week 30 min
  • Instructions: Rituals & Guidings
  • How: Phone & Zoom

*After your request we will let you know if and when the next capacities for a one-to-one coaching are available. We are pleased to receive your request

Magic is your Nature

Exclusive 3 Month Program

Epigentics Medicine & Ancestral Healing

Homecoming + Live your Purpose​ + Abundance Magnet



You don’t want to live a 08/15 life. Living your purpose is your goal and your heart leads you there. In 3 month your 


The Obstacle:

⋙ Ancestral traumas, self-doubt, fear of the future, which are hidden in your epigenetic, your body system, your cells, block you and keep you in a low frequency, which makes you turn in circles again and again. You move forward sluggishly, your head is too loud, you don’t perceive your intuition properly.

The Liberation:

⋙ By releasing all those primal traumas, negative emotions & experiences in your epigenetics that block you, a great liberation takes place within you. You feel and live your destiny. You have irrepressible power, joy, emotional closeness, love, intuitive living in flow which gives you belly tingles and the feeling of homecoming.

The Result:

⋙ Your self-love, self-confidence and courage are growing more and more. You attract abundance on all levels and are a magnet for your manifestations.

⋙ You desire abundance, harmony and balance in all areas of your life and attract abundance through healing.


In 3 months your inner & external alignment will be clear & ready. You know exactly where you stand, what you want and where the path goes for you. You are a magnet for abundance, safety and love in all areas of your life. Foundation + guide for your spiritual path


Online Coaching

Duration: 3 months
Price: 15.000 Euro (16.500 $)

The 3 months coaching is only possible after a cooperation of one 90 min single session

  • Sessions: 1 session a week 90 min
  • Calls: 1 call a week 30 min
  • Instructions: Rituals & Guidings
  • How: Phone & Zoom
  • Bonus Special: You will receive a Magic Soulflower Case from Katja’s Spiritual Store with gifts customized for you

Katja’s Spiritual Store here

*After your request we will let you know if and when the next capacities for a one-to-one coaching are available. We are pleased to receive your request

I love that you are here without coincidence

Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Medicine Woman & Autorin Mentor for spiritual Women




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