Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Telepathic Animal Communication

Thoughts & true needs of animals

„It is only with the Heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the Eyes.“


Telepathische Tierkommunikation


The magic of communicating and being connected via telepathy with animals, plants, stones and an intermediate world that is only visible to our heart. When we reopen our access to this dimension that we had naturally as children, a world opens up to us that changes our lives from the ground up. Promise! It is learning to trust in our intuition, our most powerful tool to live. Our unique planet, the animals, plants and everything that is invisibly connected to us, needs "translators" and language channels like you. You are not here without coincidence ....

All about animal communication here on my blog

You want to know what animals really think & what they want to tell you?

Table of contents

What is Telepathic Animal Communication?

Animals are able to communicate with people who are open to the telepathic connection. They understand your intentions, emotions, images or thoughts behind the words, even if the words themselves are not fully understood. Animals communicate with nature, they have a strong intuition. Pachyderms warn of tsunamis, toads save themselves even before the earth shakes - the sixth sense of animals is legendary.

Which Opportunities do you have to learn Telepathic Animal Communication with me?

1:1 Individual Education

Group Course

Become a "Holistic Animal Communicator

Dear Katja, Today I would like to send you a few words to tell you how grateful I am that I was able to do the animal communication training with you. I have learned a lot about myself, to follow my intuition and to finally trust me. Through this training I could already accompany some people with their animals. And the results touch me again and again. Full of gratitude, I give the money raised this year again to animal welfare.

Mandy Stannek

How do you know your animal is talking to you?

I'm sure you know those moments with your pet when they seem to be asleep but are somehow listening in. You stand in the bathroom, think of your animal, open the door and it stands in front of it and looks at you. Subconsciously you feel that your animal is near. The cat has been invisible for days, ever since you thought of taking him to the vet. You walk towards the refrigerator and your dog is already standing next to you, although you haven't arrived there yet. It is as if your animal is clairvoyant.

Me & my Peanut 2013

The Secret

There is a magic that remains hidden from us until

we open our hearts to it

Until we decide to dive with humility & gratitude and all our being into a hidden world. Then the gates of the intermediate world open for us, in which all living beings speak a way & very special language. To dive into this world changes everything. If we are ready to learn (again) something that we have only forgotten, everything on earth will make sense. It is something that stands out, but we can not put into words and fills our heart with love. It happens something (for our eye) invisible.

We start to understand ....

What are the Signs of Telepathic Communication?

How does animal communication work?

As an Animal Communicator you learn to read and Translate the Thoughts, Energies, Fears, Needs & Illnesses of the Animal. Animal communication is Telepathic and you do not have to be Present, it works over Distance, so you can work with it Online.

Day Courses Animal Communication in Group - Live in Portugal

Level 1 – Table of Contents

  • Recognize your ability & how to use it as a tool and for animal communication
  • ​Learn to „see“ energies & define them
  • Receive the initiation of the invisible language of telepathy
  • Learn the basics of telepathy & the morphogenetic field
  • Learn the possibilities & limitations of animal communication
  • You make your first telepathic communications with animals & other living beings
  • One Day Course 10 – 17 o clock
  • ​​Half Day in the Course Room & half in the Nature (depend on the Weather)
  • ​​Drinks are included
  • Price 149 €

Date – Location

  • 9. September 2023 – Fernao Ferro – Seixal 
  • Location


  • 149 €
  • Intensive training of animal communication
  • ​You learn how to hold the energy & focus
  • ​You learn to be more confident in your abilities and to have trust in yourself
  • ​Advanced telepathic communication
    ​Practice thought transmission
  • ​Explain & practice case studies
  • ​Your first real animal communication in complete sentences
  • You learn to distinguish energies & important protection rituals


  • One Day Course 10 – 17 o clock
  • ​​Half Day in the Course Room & half in the Nature (depend on the Weather)
  • ​​Drinks are included
  • Price 149 €

Date – Location

  • 9. September 2023 – Fernao Ferro – Seixal 
  • Location


  • 149 €

Table of Contents

  • Learn how to become a confident leader with animal communication
  • ​What options are possible for sick & dying animals
  • How to deal with dying animals & their owners and help them in the best possible way
  • Expanding your skills
    ​How to help with missing animals
  • ​What tools you can use to heal animals
  • ​The first steps to working professionally with clients as an animal communicator


  • One Day Course 10 – 17 o clock
  • ​​Half Day in the Course Room & half in the Nature (depend on the Weather)
  • ​​Drinks are included
  • Price 149 €

Datum -Location

  • 9. September 2023 – Fernao Ferro – Seixal 
  • Location


  • 149 €


  • Learn how to become a confident leader with animal communication
  • What options are possible for sick & dying animals
  • How to deal with dying animals & their owners and help them in the best possible way
  • ​Extend your skills
    How to help with missing animals
  • ​What tools you can use to heal animals
  • ​The first steps to working professionally with clients as an animal communicator


  • One Day Course 10 – 17 o clock
  • Half Day in the Course Room & half in the Nature (depend on the Weather)​
  • Drinks are included
  • ​Price 149 €


  • You learn everything what you need to know and how to Work as a Professional „Holistic Animal Communicator“
  • Already in the Course you will have your first Clients
  • You will feel secure in what you do and live your vocation with confidence
  • With his Certification & Education you can teach other People Telepathic Animal Communication Fundamental


  • 6.500 €
  • Installment payment possible


  • 4 x 90 min Teaching
  • 4 x 30 min Meeting



  • Training plan
  • Meditations
  • Rituals
  • Audio Sessions
  • Hand out



  • Recognize your ability & how to use it as a tool and for animal communication
  • Learn to „see“ energies & define them
  • Receive the initiation of the invisible language of telepathy
  • Learn the basics of telepathy & the morphogenetic field
  • Learn the possibilities & limitations of animal communication
  • You make your first telepathic communications with animals & other living beings


  • 4 x 90 min Teaching
  • 4 x 30 min Meeting



  • Training plan
  • ​Work with the first clients
  • Create a Business Plan
  • Hand out



    • Intensive training of animal communication
    • You learn how to hold the energy & focus
    • You learn to be more confident in your abilities and to have trust in yourself
    • ​Advanced telepathic communication
    • ​Practice thought transmission
      ​Explain & practice case studies
    • Your first real animal communication in complete sentences
    • You learn to distinguish energies & important protection rituals


  • 4 x 90 min Teaching
  • 4 x 30 min Meeting



  • Spiritual (Business) Tools
  • ​A guide for your spiritual business
  • Hand out
  • ​Everything you need to work professionally as an animal communicator
  • Help animal & human in the best possible way
  • ​You get your certificate as „Holistic Animal Communicator



  • Learn how to become a confident leader with animal communication
  • What options are available for sick & dying animals
  • How to deal with dying animals & their owners and help them in the best possible way
  • ​Expanding your skills
    ​How to help with missing animals
  • What tools you can use to heal animals
  • ​The first steps to working professionally with clients as an animal communicator


For a Request of a 1:1 Live Education in Portugal (2 weeks)

Why Telepathic Animal Communication is interesting for you?

Your Certificate as "Holistic Animal Communicator"

At the end of this training you will receive a certificate as a "Holistic Animal Communicator". Since I also let myself be guided by my intuition outside of the training plan, the steps and topics are also individually adapted, as it is important for you as a course participant. I support you in your further development, so that you discover your potential and it can unfold piece by piece.

*Certificate for individual training & completed Level 1 - 3 group Course

About Katja

Katja Barnasiow was already very sensitive as a child and "conversed" with animals, plants and invisible beings. Her dog Peanut opened this door for her. In 2012 she followed her call and helped animals & their humans through animal communication. She turned hobby into vocation and her dog Peanut contributed a part in her first published book "The Way to Inner Wealth, Heal Your Soul". Katja Barnasiow gave group courses and trained women in individual courses. Today the author, who emigrated to Portugal, is known as a mentor for women leaders & light workers with Inner Work.

My courses & trainings

When I started Animal Communication it was a hobby. I enjoyed it so much and when I saw the Results, how much I could help Animals & their Owners it became more. More and more People came to me and wanted to take my help for their Animal. Women asked me if I also offer training. This is how my Vocation as an Animal Communicator came into being and I trained Women be animal communicators.

My Path

My childhood was very traumatic and despite everything, I did not lose my great zest for life and love for nature & animals. I spoke with fairies, elves, power animals, angels, light beings, animals and Mother Nature. They were always my sacred place. Already as a small child, I had a special connection to Mother Earth, the universe and animals. One day I understood that I am the channel, translator and speaker of the invisible and have made my purpose to my vocation. This path began with animal communication. I create my own method and trained certified students. I read the Soulplan, energy fields & the Akasha chronicles for my clients. My rebirth of the shaman & witch in me, brought me the key of a deep, unique & magical transformation & healing work for women. Healing plants became one of my most important tools as an herbalist.

I always feel very connected with animals. It was, like I hear what they think, I read their mind. Many years, since i was a little, i have been active in animal protection and there I find my dog Peanut. When I looked into her eyes, I knew immediately that we belonged together an we lived together for almost 14 years.


Peanut and a spiritual life coach led me to animal communication. This was only possible because I never stopped with my healing through Inner Work. I remembered who I am and my abilities became visible. It helped me to recognize myself, to use my abilities consciously, to heal my pains, to get more self-confidence, basic trust, self-love, hope, to set and reach goals, to manifest successfully, to find and live my destiny, to make it my calling, joy of life, quality of life, to realize what unconditional love is, to transform my fears, etc.

My Dog - the Special Healer & Author

Peanut and a spiritual Lifecoach led me to animal communication. This was only possible because I never stopped with my healing through Inner Work. I remembered who I am and my abilities became visible. It helped me to recognize myself, to use my abilities consciously, to heal my pains, to get more self-confidence, basic trust, self-love, hope, to set and reach goals, to manifest successfully, to find and live my destiny, to make it my calling, joy of life, quality of life, to realize what unconditional love is, to transform my fears, etc.

When she went into the Light, everything was peaceful and the Elves & Fairies picked her up. This Moment was sad but so beautiful at the same time and I wish that many animals experience such a wonderful farewell with their Humans. Her Ashes are buried in a sacred place under a Redwood Tree.

My dog - the author

2016, a few days, before she went into the light. She lives in every of my books, because she has written a chapter

The order & the guidance to the destination

After fulfilling her mission to lead me to my purpose and writing her chapter - Cleaning the childhood wounds - (in my German Book) "The path to inner wealth, Heal your soul", she peacefully fell asleep in my arms and was led into the light by the elves and angels. The new edition is in progress. My books will be available in German, Portuguese and English.

My first two channeled books of 2015 & 2014

Katja Barnasiow Pereira

Medicine Woman & Autorin Mentorin für spirituelle Frauen




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